Signature Logo


Rp. 350.000,00 IDR

Main Product

125 Lessons

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125 Lessons

Icon for Your Signature Logo

Sometimes you need to combine your signature logo with other designs, like another logo or illustration. Please upload an image of that logo or illustration, and how you want your signature logo to be placed with it.

Note: This order is a topping. It’s only available for purchase on top of the basic Signature Logo order. If you haven’t done so, please create an order for Signature Logo.


Rp. 232.000,00 IDR

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125 Lessons

Signature Logo Animation

Turn your logo into an exciting GIF that can go on an e-card, social media post, website, and more!

Note: This order is a topping. It’s only available for purchase on top of the basic Signature Logo order. If you haven’t done so, please create an order for Signature Logo.


Rp. 435.000,00 IDR

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125 Lessons

Signature Logo Caricature

Bring out your fun and creative side, and order a caricature of yourself for your friends and followers to enjoy! Please upload your photo that you want to turn into a caricature drawing.

Note: This order is a topping. It’s only available for purchase on top of the basic Signature Logo order. If you haven’t done so, please create an order for Signature Logo.


Rp. 362.500,00 IDR

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125 Lessons

Glitter Colors

The glitter adds a unique texture to your original signature logo, making it super interesting to look at! Add extra coloring on either your logo or initials, for only Rp 100,000 per coloring per design.

Note: This order is a topping. It’s only available for purchase on top of the basic Signature Logo order. If you haven’t done so, please create an order for Signature Logo.


Rp. 100.000,00 IDR

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125 Lessons

Foil Colors

When black and white designs won’t satisfy your creative soul, you can opt to use foil coloring. Add extra coloring on either your logo or initials, for only Rp 100,000 per coloring per design.

Note: This order is a topping. It’s only available for purchase on top of the basic Signature Logo order. If you haven’t done so, please create an order for Signature Logo.


Rp. 100.000,00 IDR

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125 Lessons

Neon Colors

Select one of three special effects that you can apply to your original signature logo. Add extra coloring on either your logo or initials, for only Rp 100,000 per coloring per design.

Note: This order is a topping. It’s only available for purchase on top of the basic Signature Logo order. If you haven’t done so, please create an order for Signature Logo.


Rp. 100.000,00 IDR

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125 Lessons

Tutorial PDF and Video

English (Native)

Recreate your signature logo with your own hand. We’ll send you a file which you can print out and follow along, in three simple steps!

The process is as follows:

  • Follow the signature outline.
  • Repeat the signature after the example.
  • After 15 minutes to 2 hours, you’re able to recreate your signature by yourself.

We’ll also include a video that shows how your signature is done.

Note: This order is a topping. It’s only available for purchase on top of the basic Signature Logo order. If you haven’t done so, please create an order for a Signature Logo.


Rp. 300.000,00 IDR

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200 orders

Signature Logo Package for Team

Business cards, name tags, and other branding instruments can make your company look more professional.

For corporate use, we will contact you one business day after your purchase to inquire you for all your unique requirements. Once we have all the required information, the logo design process can start immediately.

Note: This order is a topping. It’s only available for purchase on top of the basic Signature Logo order. If you haven’t done so, please create an order for Signature Logo.


Rp. 300.000,00 IDR

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200 orders

Source Files


There are cases when you may want additional files, such as one separate file for your undertag, one separate file for an icon, etc. Add one more unique file for Rp 100,000 (you can also request the file in Adobe Illustrator format, or .ai format).

Note: This order is a topping. It’s only available for purchase on top of the basic Signature Logo order. If you haven’t done so, please create an order for Signature Logo.



Rp. 300.000,00 IDR